Sergio Vettore graduated the classical studies High-school in Padua and obtained the long-term Bachelor’s degree in Law at the University of Studies of Padua, specializing in Public Law.
He is qualified to practice law as he obtained one of the best assessments during the 2004-2005 examination session and in 2005 was admitted to the Bar of Padua.
He obtained the necessary qualifications for Court-appointed criminal defence by successfully attending the first-level training School for the development of defensive skills and criminal ethical techniques, under the supervision of the “Fracesco De Castello” Criminal Chamber of Padua.
Sergio Vettore is a Court-appointed defender registered in the Ordinary, Military and Surveillance Court Registers, as well as in the Register of Public Defenders practicing at the expense of the state.
During the 2009-2010 academic year he assisted the PhD course at the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice and graduated with the highest honours in Environmental Law, particularly addressing to air, water and soil pollution issues (decontamination and contaminated sites).
Since 2014 he has been dealing with juvenile criminal law matters.